October 26, 2021What snake is that?With the warmer weather our cold-blooded friends are out and about again, so be careful…
July 13, 2021Acknowledging ContextIn recent months, attending different activities, Parklands staff have experienced powerful introductory words extending the…
March 29, 2021Volunteers nip weeds in the budMick Elliott has discovered many of the biodiversity gems in Albury’s Environmental Lands over the…
September 15, 2020Hume and Hovell Track a perfect hike awayIn the last six months Parklands rangers have focused on tackling those jobs that are less…
August 20, 2020Removing barbed hazardsOver the winter months Parklands staff have been protecting native fauna by removing redundant internal…
May 28, 2020Inspiration for Ecology centred LearningThe past months of isolation have challenged many a family to find ways to continue…
May 21, 2020Time to Celebrate giving TimeIt’s National Volunteer Week – time to celebrate the giving of time. Giving time is…
February 20, 2020So ends a long summer of weedsParklands rangers have just two words to describe their activities over the summer months. ‘Weeding’ has definitely…
October 17, 2019Weaving exchange more than just techniqueUsing natural fibres to weave practical everyday items has been the focus of our Multicultural…
December 13, 2017Nestbox experience resonates with young and oldParklands rangers have delivered a series of nestbox field days on behalf of the Wodonga…