May 23, 2017Hume and Hovell Track Stories: A Family’s JourneyWiradjuri Elder Rose Whybrow came to Albury as a child almost 30 years ago. Her…
March 23, 2017Community Farm Open for VisitsThe Bhutanese Community Farm on Gateway Island has had a most successful summer season in…
March 2, 2017Rabbit virus release to improve biocontrolThe long awaited release of the new strain of Calicivirus – or more correctly RHDV1…
February 16, 2017Counting in the HarvestWith floods and other trials of 2016 finally overcome, Bhutanese Community farm ranger Tilak Chhetri…
November 24, 2016Respect. Engage. Connect: Parklands partnership acknowledgedParklands has been acknowledged in the 2016 Community Work Partnership Awards as runner-up in the Jennifer Cameron…
November 24, 20162016 in ReviewThis month marks the 19th Annual General Meeting of the Board of Directors of Parklands…
October 20, 2016Community Farm emerges from the watersThe infrastructure has emerged from the floodwaters at the Bhutanese Community Farm relatively unscathed, but…
October 20, 2016Substitute Seniors Link Tour enjoyed by allThere was a great turnout for the Seniors Link bus tour on Friday 14th October. Originally…
July 14, 2016Tree Day Prescription for HealthPlanet Ark’s National Tree Day is being taken up with enthusiasm locally, with a range of…
June 23, 2016Sheldon on a Red Carpet pathwayAs we farewell our tireless volunteer Sheldon Smith from the Parklands volunteer program, Parklands wish him…