May 19, 2016Autumn rains, warm earth – time to plant!This afternoon close to 17,000 native plants arrived at Parklands, ready for planting in local…
January 21, 2016Bowerbirds show their appreciation of Heathwood habitatA Lavington resident and keen observer has reported seeing Satin Bowerbirds in Heathwood Park this…
November 5, 2015New Community Service team on the jobParklands is working with a new team from Corrections Victoria to improve our local bush…
October 29, 2015Oaklands wildflower bountyOne of the joys of working on high conservation value bush reserves is to be…
October 22, 2015Collecting firewood locallySpringtime; time to sharpen up the chainsaw and go hunting for next winter’s firewood supply!…
August 6, 2015McFarlanes Hill Trail Run – An Icy EpicLast Sunday’s McFarlanes Hill trail run proved that the challenges of bush based running remain a mighty…
October 8, 2014Hazards of the heat… take care out thereHere is a timely reminder of the hazards that prolonged periods of hot weather can…