January 17, 2024Giants in the GardenBullfrogs, Pobblebonks and Banjo frogs are all common aliases of this impressively sized local. Known…
January 10, 2024Vacancy – Part Time – Communications ProfessionalCommunications Ranger Make an impact on the communications for Parklands Albury Wodonga and our many…
January 10, 2024Vacancy – Casual – Workshop / Field RangerWORKSHOP AND FIELD RANGER Do you, or someone you know, have exceptional handyman skills, enjoy…
January 10, 2024Workshop Wayne Hangs Up His Welding HelmetWayne Bishop hangs up his welding helmet after nearly three years as our Workshop Ranger,…
January 10, 2024Stellar Stelling Storytelling Era Comes To An EndParklands Albury Wodonga staff bid Anne Stelling a heartfelt farewell on 19 December 2023. For…
December 19, 2023Gateway Island GiftAfter 24 years restoring the Gateway Island parklands, Parklands Albury Wodonga have handed the stewardship…
December 19, 2023Exciting times for the Community FarmThe Community Farm on Gateway Island is once again bursting with life this spring. The…
December 18, 2023Giant reptile on Gateway Island!“Kev” the giant reptile is newly ensconced on the Gateway Island walking trail and gaining…
December 18, 2023Christmas cheer by Albury Women’s ShedA big thank you to Albury Women’s Shed for their kind gift to Parklands Albury…
December 18, 2023Christmas Beetle CuriosityThe word is out that Christmas beetles are back and earlier than usual. The harbingers…