May 12, 2020Indian Myna MenaceAggressive Indian Myna birds are now commonly seen in Castle Creek, Felltimber Creek, White Box…
May 7, 2020DIY trails? Not in conservation areas!Parkland Rangers have discovered illegal trail building activity in several local reserves lately, with digging…
May 7, 2020Learn about your backyard- virtuallyWhilst it is great to get outdoors exercising, there are so many ways to learn…
May 7, 2020Miss us? We’re curious to hear about it.Like all of the local Friends and Landcare groups, we’ve had to cancel all of…
May 7, 2020Firewood: where to find local and legalIt’s firewood season and the weather is perfect for a bit of hard yakka collecting…
May 7, 2020Autumn flowering natives powering pollinatorsHave a look at these extraordinary flowers, and the number of bees enjoying them! These…
May 7, 2020Local trails feature: Norris Park circuitAnother great hour-long circuit walk is the ridge above Norris Park. Best parking is at…
May 7, 2020Autumn rains affecting Kiewa flood zonesFollowing heavy rains we urge people to avoid the floodprone section of the High Country…
April 30, 2020The pleasures of being a RangerOne of the great pleasures of our work as Rangers is first hand experience of the…
April 30, 2020Environmental volunteers need to ‘cool our heels’We know many of you are missing your regular dose of getting out and amongst…