New Upper Murray guide to culture and country

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New Upper Murray guide to culture and country

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  3. New Upper Murray guide to culture and country

While out and about touring wetlands with members of the Duduroa Dhargal Aboriginal Corporation (DDAC) recently, Parklands staff were honoured to receive signed copies of a beautiful new guide to the indigenous plants and animals of the Upper Murray.

The booklet was created by DDAC as part of a recovery project following the Black Summer bushfires in the Upper Murray in 2019/20. It aims to increase awareness and understanding of culturally significant plants in the region, how they were traditionally used, their mutual relationships with the indigenous animals, and the important roles both play in recovery after fire.

Opening with an introduction to the role of fire in the landscape, the following sections are based on particular plant parts – trees, seeds, fruits, roots and tubers – and outline the habitat, traditional uses and associated wildlife for a range of culturally significant plants. Medicinal plants and the roles of particular wildlife in shaping the landscape are also covered.

With text compiled by Dr Damian Michael and contributions by Allan Murray, Phil Murray, Beau Murray, Sam Hagen and Richard McTernan, the booklet is richly illustrated with the photography of Colleen Miller.

Thanks to the DDAC team for bringing this great resource into the world!

Find out more and download the booklet on the DDAC website here.

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