Leading two events over the weekend in perfect spring weather, naturalist Sue Brunskill found plenty to examine with the enthusiastic participants of our Swainsona and Castle Creek Reserves walks.
Swainsona reserve featured everlasting daisies and Onion-orchids flowering, the distinctive seed-heads of a variety of native grasses, and the endangered Swainsona pea flowers just starting to come out.
Castle Creek reserve served up some gorgeous Fringe Lilies and Blue Pincushions, various peas in fruit and flower, masses of butterflies, and of course many native birds busy about their spring nesting, rearing of young and making the most of the nectar of the season.
These richest of Wodonga’s conservation reserves are a treat to visit regularly, with different plants in flower weekly in spring, and always something new to spot, especially with a keen observer of nature like Sue!
Parklands Albury Wodonga gratefully acknowledge the support of the Victorian Government and the Ross Trust for our Walk ‘n Talk program in 2022.