Like many locals, we have experienced a wide variety of ways that water can go where it’s not wanted over the past few months.
Parklands staff and volunteers have become dab hands at intercepting and redirecting runoff at the Leneva Enviro Hub. Water running in to the back of the Leneva hall required more than just a shovel to intercept though, with the concrete path directing runoff straight under the door.
Parklands put our heads together with the Leneva Hall Committee last week to come up with a solution. A visit from a local concrete cutter, a new grate installed to intercept the flow and the problem is sorted.
One step at a time, the Leneva Enviro Hub is coming together. With clean-ups completed, weed treatments in progress, water systems reinstated, nest boxes installed, new trails being mapped out and monthly working bees on site, the 10ha site is starting to bloom again. We will certainly be better situated for the next wet season.
If you’d like to get involved with the Hub, come along and meet the team at our monthly ‘third Tuesday’ working bee – register here – or contact us via our website.
The establishment of the Leneva Enviro Hub is supported by the Cross-Border Commissioner’s Infrastructure Fund – COVID Recovery Round