Parklands Albury Wodonga has been shortlisted for a grant to build the Baranduda Mountain Bike Network.
This is AWESOME news says Community Ranger, Ant Packer. Three years ago the Albury Wodonga Mountain Bikers Club drew up plans for a mountain bike precinct on the 400 hectare Baranduda Parklands, in recognition of the growing needs of this fast expanding township in Wodonga local government area. “Wodonga has the youngest mean age in Victoria, so building the bike network is really important in keeping our youths active and connected to country”.
Since then there have been lots of people of all ages and abilities out with rake hoes and mattocks, building some of these tracks.
The Medibank grant would enable the hire of a small D2 Dozer to fast track this project. The funds will also ensure we involve Traditional Owner Groups in inspecting the area and ensuring that the cultural heritage of Baranduda Parklands is protected.