Thanks for the Gift of Time Overseeing the Gift Fund, Dougald!

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  3. Thanks for the Gift of Time Overseeing the Gift Fund, Dougald!

Thanks for the Gift of Time Overseeing the Gift Fund, Dougald!

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  3. Thanks for the Gift of Time Overseeing the Gift Fund, Dougald!

With changes to the Deductible Gift Recipient legislation coming into effect from 1 January 2024, there is no longer a requirement for an independent Parklands Public Fund Management Committee.

Parklands Albury Wodonga thank outgoing Parklands Public Fund Management Committee member Dougald Frederick for his much-valued time and contributions towards oversight of expenditure of donations valuing $212,733 since 2007.  Former members included Bruce Grant, Brian Harty, and the late John Watson.

If you’d like to help us help nature, you can make a tax-deductible donation at our Give Now page. Together we can help our local ecosystems adapt to a changing climate by scaling up our biodiversity plantings.

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