Duduroa Dhargal Aboriginal Corporation (DDAC) put on a fantastic event out at Ryans Lagoon on November 20 to highlight all the efforts of Traditional Land Management practices that have been happening to restore country, and to inspire the next generation to become involved in the sharing of cultural knowledge and caring for country. Several stall-holders were in attendance including North East Catchment Management Authority, La Trobe University, Wodonga TAFE, On Country Pathways, Wodonga Urban Landcare Network, Turtles Albury Wodonga, Zoos Victoria, Wild Research, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, and CVGT Employment. School children were given a chance to have a chat about opportunities in natural resource management and potential pathways. The kids also got to learn about fire with Forest Fire Management VIC and have a go with the hose, as well as watching demonstrations of weaving, spear-making, and stone-knapping. The completed dance circle was in use throughout the day with different groups of dancers entertaining the crowd.

In the afternoon, invited guests were also treated to various demonstrations and dancing as well as a tour around the lagoon. It is looking fantastic and full of life after water has been pumped into the lagoon to maintain it over the warmer months. This cultural watering is thanks to a partnership between DDAC, North East Water, and North East Catchment Management Authority.

Turtles Albury Wodonga along with researchers from La Trobe University spoke about turtle monitoring programs and some eggs collected from a deceased turtle were buried near the lagoon’s edge. Netting was then placed over the site to protect the eggs from predation by foxes. BirdLife Australia and our own Ant Packer also spoke about the importance of the lagoon to local wildlife and restoration efforts.
And while we’re talking about Ryans Lagoon, check out the big turtle that is visible on GoogleMaps! This area has been planted with native grasses that will grow to cover the turtle shape and look amazing!