The weather has not been on our side this planting season, with a very dry autumn and little in the way of winter rain, hence we’ve had to condense our plantings over a shorter time period! But that doesn’t mean we haven’t made a stellar effort with the help of Rangers, community volunteers, disability groups, and school groups to get 5145 seedlings in the ground this August! Thank you so much to all who came out and lent a hand!

Our main planting site has been at Carrolls Lane in Wodonga, which forms part of the Murray River Red Gum Trail along Wodonga Creek. These wetlands have several large trees but very little in the way of shrubs and understorey plants, so in addition to planting more trees, the site has also been revegetated with shrubs and grasses. This complexity of vegetation will not only provide more food and habitat for native animals, but will also form much-needed habitat corridors, allowing animals to move more easily through the environment as a response to climate change.
Thanks to funding from National Australia Bank, Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, Victorian Landcare, Rotary Club of Albury Foundation, and the Victorian Government.