A small but enthusiastic group of rangers and volunteers made the most of a splendid winter morning earlier this week to make a start on a native sensory garden at Parklands’ Leneva Envrio Hub. Thankfully some rain had softened the ground and the going was relatively easy getting the seedlings in. A mixture of plants were chosen for varying characteristics to excite the senses, whether it be bright flowers, fragrant leaves, edible berries, or textured foliage. Some examples of the plants chosen for this particular project included billy buttons, tea tree, mint bush, yam daisy, and kangaroo apple.

It is hoped that once established, these plants will encourage people of all ages to get up close and personal with nature and really get to know some of our local native species and what makes them so special, including their traditional uses. This garden will form a smaller part of a series of Nature Play Trails in various locations, including more to come at the Enviro Hub.