In a major win for local biodiversity and climate action, Parklands Albury Wodonga is excited to begin our Wodonga Regional Park Reforestation project! This ambitious, four-year project will see 35,000 native seedlings planted in parts of the Wodonga Regional Park and Ryans Lagoon wetlands, resulting in the reforestation of 60 hectares of crown land. And we would like your help to do it!

Community members and partners are invited to roll up their sleeves and be a part of this amazing opportunity to contribute towards a better future, both for our planet and for the community. Staged reforestation will take place on Browns Island, the Wodonga Creek floodplain, and at two sites at Ryans Lagoon wetlands. Not only will this create and expand existing habitat for species such as barking owls (critically endangered), squirrel gliders (vulnerable), grey-headed flying foxes (vulnerable), Murray cod (endangered), and Murray crayfish (threatened), but will also abate 722 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere per annum!

This project will be delivered in partnership with the Duduroa Dhargal Aboriginal Corporation and involve volunteers in woody weed control, fencing, and of course planting. A mix of overstorey, missing understorey, and native grass layers will be planted to improve the landscape function and increase viable habitat for a variety of species.

Parklands gratefully acknowledges funding provided by the Victorian Government’s ‘BushBank’ Program, which aims to restore at least 20,000 hectares of land across Victoria by planting millions of native plants and trees. BushBank contributes to Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037, Victoria’s plan to stop biodiversity decline and achieve an overall improvement in biodiversity over 20 years. Furthermore, Biodiversity 2037 hopes to encourage people to value nature and do more to protect it. Through the Wodonga Regional Park Reforestation project, we’re doing our bit in our special corner of the world to help.

If you are interested in being a part of this project, please contact us.

And remember, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller.

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