Kiewa River Stewards – join us!

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Kiewa River Stewards – join us!

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  3. Kiewa River Stewards – join us!

Last Saturday those who joined our ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’ walk were treated to multiple natural phenomena on just a short walk in the Kiewa River Regional Park.

Leader Karen Retra spotted Bird-dropping spiders, Mycena fungi, mud wasps and the sacs of recently hatched juvenile Huntsman spiders on a walk along a newly opened section of the Kiewa River Regional Park off Chapples Road, Baranduda.

This was just one of many recent events featuring different aspects and areas of the park, with a focus on the Kiewa river environs bringing more community events and restoration activities in the coming months. We are delighted to share news here of a partnership with North East Catchment Management Authority over the next three years that will lead to improved river access and removal the very invasive Black Willow along much of the lower Kiewa River.

Local residents are most welcome to join us for an upcoming walk or working bee in the park.  Keep an eye on our events pages for upcoming opportunities.

If you have a group keen to plant native seedlings for an hour or two, please contact us as we have plenty of opportunities over the winter months. Contact us at

Parklands acknowledges the support of the Victorian government and the Ross Trust for this program.

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