The marathon trail to Diamond Park

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The marathon trail to Diamond Park

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  3. The marathon trail to Diamond Park

When Parklands were initially awarded the lease of the old VicTrack corridor in Wodonga, we knew we were in for a marathon to restore it to a semblance of the original native bush.

We set out to halt the decline in the best sections first, working our way in to restoring the more degraded sections over time.

The Diamond Park section on Gateway island was definitely in the worst condition. It’s great to look back and see how this has been transformed, with persistence and assistance from many quarters over the years.

With help from local businesses, partnerships and stewardship volunteers, many thousands of weeds have been treated, the trails reclaimed and native plants put back into the environment.

Most recently, thanks to the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Program for Wildlife and their Habitat, Parklands Landcare Led Recovery team have been able to tackle the last blocks of woody weeds in this magnificent environmental corridor.

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