Another great hour-long circuit walk is the ridge above Norris Park. Best parking is at the parking area off the sharp corner on Union Road just before the Cemetery and Crematorium. There are other access points including off Burrows Road.
The circuit is 5.7km, with 227 metres of ascent.
The trail surface includes a well-worn kangaroo trail along the top of Norris Ridge and wide undulating fire trail traversing the base of Norris Ridge.
Enjoy the open box gum grassy woodland and everlasting daisies in everlasting flower. There are great views to the south and east.
The kangaroo trail disappears into Sheoke forest, where you will be enfolded by the whisper of sheokes bristling in the breeze. Descend steeply on the fire trail under the cleared power lines then traverse back along the fire trail above Norris Park houses.
For those with more time and energy, double your time by continuing along the kangaroo trail onto Nail Can Hill and the main range.
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