Park Stewardship Program 2020 now open

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Park Stewardship Program 2020 now open

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  3. Park Stewardship Program 2020 now open

This year Parklands Volunteer Program is covering a variety of environmental stewardship tasks. We’ll be working in a different park each week, from the urban to the wild and woolly, doing different jobs according to season and circumstances.

Come along for 2 hours on a Friday and experience the ‘how to’ of caring for our bush parks and reserves.

Parklands Rangers will take you through practical park maintenance/improvement tasks like planting, weeding, checking nestboxes and removing tree guards.

At the same time, you will learn about the local environment and how our local land managers and community groups are working to protect threatened species, improve habitat and link habitat corridors across the region.

This is invaluable experience for those interested in, or studying for, an environmental career; a great chance to clear your head and get some exercise, or just a good way to give back to our community. 

When: 9.30 to 11.30am on Fridays from March 6th to December 4th, except public and school holidays.

Where: Check our events listings on Eventbrite, our website or Facebook pages for the meeting place each week.

What is supplied: All tools and any specific safety equipment needed.

What to bring: BYO drinking water. For your safety, please wear covered shoes (preferably boots), long pants, long sleeves and a hat.

Please register! Sometimes things change at the last minute and we need to be able to contact volunteers. Please register with Eventbrite for each date you intend to come. Find our listings for 2020 here:

For further information please email

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