In the Baranduda Regional Park, the urban atmosphere fades quickly for those ready for a short bushwalk. In the park, slopes and hidden gullies hold valuable examples of the diverse bush that once dominated this area, supporting a rich array of native birds and animals. On the ridges, magnificent bush views are available in every direction.

Parklands focus in the park over the next 5 years is on strengthening the habitat to bring back threatened species like the Regent Honeyeater and Superb Parrot.

Rangers will be working with volunteers to remove weed species such as Tree of Heaven, wild Fig and Blackberries, and replant native species. The goal is to ensure a wide range of native plants are thriving, maturing and reproducing, improving the supply of nectar, insects and seeds for birds throughout the year.

All hands are welcome to join in the delivery of this project. If you would like to be involved, please contact us at

This project is delivered by Parklands Albury Wodonga and North East Catchment Management Authority through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

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