First ‘Tastes of the Garden’ beats wild weather at the SAC

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  3. First ‘Tastes of the Garden’ beats wild weather at the SAC

First ‘Tastes of the Garden’ beats wild weather at the SAC

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  3. First ‘Tastes of the Garden’ beats wild weather at the SAC

The first ‘Tastes of the Garden’ hosted by the Bhutanese Community Farm last week was a roaring success despite very wild weather, thanks to the SAC offering their venue.

More than 60 people enjoyed a delicious curry lunch cooked by the Bhutanese Community Farm catering team, featuring the vegetables the farm produces throughout the year.

The event was set to be held under the handmade woven bamboo shelter on the farm, but the team called a change of venue due to the weather forecast. Thanks to the SAC for providing such a welcoming venue, where the storm outside was totally overwhlemed by the rich smells, delicious tastes and warm conversations within! 


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